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Sunday, January 4, 2015

'San Francisco Bay Area'

One day in the City of  Fog, Landmarks, and Rolling Hills

Living in Los Angeles allows people to visit also incredible places out of the city, with just a few hours on the road. Today, we wanna talk about San Francisco Bay Area, a 7-to-8 hours' car trip that should be a MUST for those who are coming to visit the Golden Coast for the first time.

SF is well known for its fog, the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alcatraz Prision, and the hills due to the countless movies filmed there, but in my opinion the city talks by itself. 

Once we arrived to the city, we lead to Lombard Street. This particular place is in the Top10 most famous streets in the world. Its crazy structure with 8 sharp turns make it the crookedest street in the world too. 

The popularity of this attraction makes incredibly hard to take a good shoot without tourists, but waiting enough is possible to find the window of time for your perfect picture. 

After walking up and down more than once, we took a walk to Fisherman's Wharf. For me, this emblematic area is one of the best parts of SF! From there, it's easy to find Alcatraz Island lying on the water and the enormous Golden Gate (if the fog gives you a break). Jefferson Street is the perfect place to charge your energy with all-styles-food, and it's one of the best streets for shopping SF stuff... For those with a strong stomach, Jefferson Street is also the place for giving a chance to the famous Clam Chowder! 

After feeding our bodies, we went to Aquatic Park, where we were able to enjoy an Air Show for the "Colombus Day" event. Here you will find a cycleway that goes to Golden Gate Bridge, what I strongly recomend you to do if you have enough time (you can rent a bicycle there on Hyde Street for $15 to accept the challenge of going to Sausalito by bike). 

In the middle of the show, we decided to go to the other side of the bridge, to enjoy the show and SF from a different perspective. I love this huge bridge (besides it is painted with International Orange instead of gold!). After the bridge, take the first exit and park your car, there is an awesome view of the city from Vista Point.  

Of course, there are plenty of incredible places on Downtown SF, but we couldn't be longer there due to the 8-to-9hours-way home, because there is one thing you have to count with, and it's that you will always find the same anoying traffic on the I-105/405. 
      But San Francisco worths it, of course.
More pictures on our Flickr.

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