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Young couple living the dream in Los Angeles, California.

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Friday, January 2, 2015

'Venice Canals'

An Italian Touch in Los Angeles

Ranking: 4 stars.
Hey Guys, yesterday was January 1st and we bring here our 1st "LA Tip". This place is called "Venice Canals" and it's well known for its man-made canals built in 1905 in order to have a small touch of Italy in Los Angeles.

It was our first time there, even though we have been in Venice Beach a thousand times, and in our opinion it deserves the trip, especially if you haven't seen anything like that before. You can see that the water is pretty clean, and the houses and trees reflected on its surface. 

One more thing that we liked to see was the little "boats" in front of the houses. Not sure if the owners really use those boats but it is pretty cool to see them tied up there. During the daytime, you will probably find many tourists like we did yesterday, what makes us ask... Why didn't we hear about this place until these last months!?

To complete the day, we strongly recommend you to go to Venice Beach that is only 5 minutes walking from the canals to see the sunset just like we did today.

Oh, this incredible sunset worth our freezing 1st day of the year. You can see more pictures here on our Flickr.
How to arrive? - Take a look on Google Maps.

We hope you like it!

Wanna read in Portuguese?


  1. Me gusta la zona. Si me toca la lotería me compro una casita por allí para veranear.🗽🌅🌅

  2. Hoy llevaba yo una camiseta bien bonita de esto


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