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Thursday, January 8, 2015

'Grand Park'

A Park Full of Colors

Ranking: 4 stars

Hey guys, today we have a new recommendation for you. Our new LA Tip is about the incredible 12 acres park located in the civic center of LA, Grand Park, which is often compared by tourists to other well-established public parks as Central Park (NY) or Union Square (SF). 

The park conects the Music Center with the City Hall on Grand Avenue. These other famous places give to the park an estrategic location on the map, so it is pretty easy to arrive by public transportation.

We found really interesting things, as the big artistic Welcome Signs (in so many different languages), an interactive fountain, many drought-tolerant plants and trees all around the park, or movable park furniture (some exterior-pink chairs and tables in an opened green space ready to be moved to its best position depending on the time and preferences of the user, something that I had never seen before).

This park was one of the main points for celebrating New Year's Eve, offering projections and live performances on 3 different stages with many important artist. Music performances are not unusual here since the enterteiment program of the park is mantained by Los Angeles Music Center. On the list of artist that already played here, we find, for example, the incredibles Jonh Mayer, Imagine Dragons and Kayne West (August 31st,2014)

We liked every single detail in here, and it's nice that the park is well iluminated for a walk under the moonlight, something that if we put together to its fountain constantly changing the colors, gives a perfect atmosphere to the enviroment. 

In adittion, the park offers regular events in its calendar, as Yoga and lunchs during the daytime (for most info, go on its website). 

More pictures on our Flickr.
How to arrive? - Take a look on Google maps.

We hope you like it!

Read me also in Spanish or Portuguese.

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