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Saturday, February 7, 2015

'Driving Through Paradise'

California Driver License

Hello my friends! Today we bring you here an interesting post about driving in the states .. Did you know that international students can obtain the official Driver License as any other american? In fact, it isn't a "can". If you are gonna be here for a while and you are planning to be driving from time to time, it is a "have to". Better you get the license before you get in troubles!

It seems to be that althought you are in possesion of an international license emited by your home country, it's on the police that stops you to give you a juicy fine... If you wanna try to pretend that you are stupid, maybe it's your lucky day hahahha. But nothing more than that.  And if there is an advice I can give you, it is: Don't argue with any police here... DO NOT do it! 

I have to say that both of the times I rented a car I had not problem with them. In fact, last time we where SO lost on the freeway with no battery in our phones (what means no google maps) and the police stopped us and they not only didn't give us a fine, but helped us to get home hahahaha.

I've been reading about the tests, people experiences and comments and this is the summary: it's a game for kids. Some of the comments were about how easy it is to pass the test due to the "hard" level of the questions such as: "A pedestrian is crossing the street. What do you do?: a)I crash my car againts a tree, b)I reduce speed and let him cross, or c)I increase speed and hit the pedestrian." (WTF???I wish we had that questions in Spain hahaha).

Do you think your English skills are not enough to make it? Don't worry, you have the chance to choose between up to 25 different languages... Come on, you have to speak at least one of them, don't you?.

And what is the funniest thing? You might be thinking that the fee to get the license has to be so expensive and that it isn't worth. Well, you are almost right. The total amount for tests and taxes is $35. I'm not kiding!

So, I will tell you more about the tests and my personal experience during this month, as soon as I have taken them. I just hope that my friend KARMA doesn't punish me with bad luck due to this post hahaha.

For more information, here you have the link of the official website DMV (Departament of Motor Vehicles).

We hope you like it! Don't forget to comment below if you have any question! 
See you soon!



  1. Aunque no sea caro, si es una prueba tan estúpida, se supone que se trata simplemente de sacar money, ¿no?

    1. Si Maitechu, eso parece... una simple broma para sacar unos dolares! hahahah

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