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Young couple living the dream in Los Angeles, California.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

'Important Dates'

Valentine's Day

Hey guys, sorry for not posting anything for a week but it has been such a busy week for both of us. We have had too much homework, projects and tests so we had to study hard in order to get, at least, a B-. There are no C's allowed in this relationship. Well, only if the subject is Biology. Oh btw, I just got an A+ in my first math test and I'm so happy that I could finally understand trigonometry. Sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant.. For what do we need all of this? Whatever, as long as I get a good grade, I'm okay with that.

Let's change this conversation to its real topic that is "Valentine's Day". It's so funny that in Brazil this special date is celebrate in June 12th while in the USA and Europe it is in February 14th. This last week was full of special dates; on Tuesday it was Alvaro's birthday and we had dinner with some friends but unfortunately we forgot to take pictures.  We only have this one of Alvaro with his 2 Japanese friends...

On Wednesday (It was supposed to be on Tuesday but we adapted it), we celebrated one year together... our 1st Anniversary!, and on Saturday, it was Valentine's Day and we decided to go to Silvio's BBQ, a Brazilian restaurant in Hermosa Beach. We had already been there so we already knew how good the food was. This time we ordered a big dish to share since we had a great breakfast. He wrote me a cute note and prepared some strawberries with Nutella in the shape of a heart.

Doesn't it look delicious? It was.. And that's the reason we were not that hungry for lunch. Well, for lunch we had my favorite meat: picanha. It's the most famous meat in Brazil and it couldn't taste better. As a side dish we had rice and French fries. We also ordered a small dish of black beans that I, particularly, love but Alvaro (as always) didn't like it... hahahaha just kidding!

The breakfast was great, the lunch was awesome and to end the day even better we spent the rest of the day in the pier watching the surfers just like Alvaro loves. - It was our first Valentine's Day here in the United States and we spent the day in a great way. Thank you for the breakfast. Thank you for the lunch. Thank you for the amazing day, babe. But most of all, thank you for being my valentine.

We hope you like it guys!

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